This week I want to talk about labels.

I release a podcast but I don’t see myself as a podcaster.

I run but I don’t see myself as a runner.

I play the piano and yet I don’t see myself as a pianist.

I am known as a trailer music composer. But sometimes, I feel that this label stops me from freely exploring all the other areas of music that I want to. I get scared to step out of that "trailer music" box because I worry that I will be seen as a fruad.

Thoughts like: "What is a trailer music composer doing writing synthwave!?" come into my head frequently. As well as: "You're not even any good at trailer music so why would you be good at something else?".

But none of these labels matters. Being labelled a "trailer music composer" should not stop me from exploring other things no matter how much it scares me.

What matters is that we do the things we want to do.

The things that you are curious about and make you feel excited.

The ones that are fun and fill you with a feeling of joy and contentment and self-worth all at once.

Don’t let other people’s labels and preconceived notions of what you should be doing stop you from exploring your innate childlike curiosity and wonder.

Do what you want to do and do it because you want to do it.

Do it because there is a quiet whisper telling you it’s the thing you are meant to do.

What labels are stopping you from doing the things you want to do?

What creative project is your quiet whisper telling you to do?

🎧 I’m Listening To…

Pylot. As you know, I am a huge fan of synth-wave but this artist had slipped under my radar. I love the cinematic sensibilities that Pylot brings to his tracks. Bloody great!

🔥 I’m Enjoying...

Make Music Income Podcast. I have been enjoying listening to these guys talk about the world of production music, streaming, and generally making money from your music. A topic I am extremely passionate about.

📺 I’m Watching...

The Suicide Squad. Now, I know what you are thinking, "the first Suicide Squad was pretty bad Rich", and you are right. This one however, with the Snyders at the helm (and a personal hero of mine providing the score), like The Boys on Prime, embraces the idea that superheroes are flawed, crooked, idiots etc. and provides many chuckles and gore. Peacemaker and Harley Quinn were particular highlights.

🌟 New From Rich

My Trailer Music Monthly Newsletter. I have been enjoying this newsletter so so much that I wanted to create one specifically for my Trailer Music audience. Most of you are subscribed already but if you are not you can log in to this site and update your newsletter preferences. This will also include the professional briefs that go out to my silver and gold members.

Trailer Music Monthly
This month I have been working on my “tentpole” trailer cues (the big trailers basically). This has meant that I have been spending much longer on each cue rather than churning out loads of cues quickly. This is not my usual way of working and it is taking me some

🫶🏻 Sharing is Caring

One of my favourite things about doing this weekly newsletter is the emails I get from you, my awesome audience. Not just because they are often filled with kind words and interesting things, but also because I get to hear the music that you are creating. This week I have been listening to the awesome alt-indie/pop songs by Banfi. Joe's music is the type of music I genuinely enjoy listening to in my spare time honoured and grateful to have such talent subscribed to my newsletter. Check out his tunes, they are awesome!

I always love seeing/hearing/reading your creations so please reply to this email if you have anything you want to share - it genuinely makes this worthwhile for me 🥰

❝ Quote of the week:

"Sometimes through your greatest failure you make your greatest steps forward" - Elon Musk: The Real Life Iron Man


Want to learn more from me? Check out my online video courses


The Ultimate Trailer Music Bundle Learn everything there is to learn about Trailer Music

The Trailer Music CourseThe perfect course to get you started writing trailer music

Trailer Music for BeginnersLearn to create trailer music with nothing but FREE samples

🎁 This Week's Release

I have been working on an exciting new project recently. Combining my approach to dark organic sound design and creating industrial darkfolk (kind of like Heilung with a slight colour of Faith No More and Evanescence). Whilst working on one of these tracks I created this lovely little reverse cello sample.

This post is for subscribers with any of the tiers: Silver, Gold or Platinum

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