

Thoughts about creativity, improving your mindset, and growing as a person to be the best version of yourself and as a result, a better composer.

14 posts
They Are Fighting A Battle

They Are Fighting A Battle

Remember to be kind! Plato once said, be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Now that is one of my favorite, most awesome all-time quotes ever. And the reason I like it is because it just reminds me not to judge other people. And again, this...

Improving The Quality Of Your Life

Improving The Quality Of Your Life

In this episode I talk about how your attention to detail can make such a huge difference not only in your work, but your life! Now I don't know about you, but I'm always interested in searching for improving the quality of my life. And I...

Always striving for balance

Always striving for balance

Balance. This seems to be a word, and ideal that we are all striving for. I think we call it happiness or at least we are chasing hasppiness when we should really be thinking about balance. The middle road. Not too much, not too little...enough. How do we know...

So this is finally here

So this is finally here

Since 2005 I have toyed with bloggin and the like. It is not until now that I feel that I have found a place that I can actually focus on doing that properly. I believe that to become something or to master something, we need only do it "little...

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